Harmony Monthly Charge On Credit Card. Credit card companies charge between approximately 1 3 and 3 4 of each credit card transaction in processing fees. Your name email address and phone number.
The charges would continue from month to month until cancelled. When the consumers gave their credit card information to pay for the shipping charge they were automatically entered into two monthly plans. These recurring credit charges sometimes known as gray charges show up on your statement monthly biannually or annually often as a result of automatic billing.
Recurring charges to your credit card can add up quickly even if they re small amounts.
They were charged a 100 a month from each plan for monthly auto shipments of products. The exact amount depends on the payment network e g visa mastercard. Your name email address and phone number. In fact credit card usage in 2015 was almost 6 higher than in 2013 with american s total credit card debt coming in at more than 1 trillion today.