Finance Furniture Then Close Account. If you have a valid driver s license pay stub and bank statement chances are you have a very strong chance of being approved for this program. Minimum interest charge is 2.
If the accounts say the creditor closed it even though you were the one who closed it you can use the credit report dispute process to have your credit report updated to show that. If you re about to buy furniture and plan on financing some or all of it read this extensive article setting out 7 ways to finance furniture pros and cons. Buying furniture is like buying a car.
Fast easy and secure furniture financing options.
Kornerstone financial kornerstone financial offers very simple furniture financing approval process which allows you to purchase furniture from us with no credit check. Remember it doesn t hurt your credit score either way whether you or your credit card issuer closed. If the accounts say the creditor closed it even though you were the one who closed it you can use the credit report dispute process to have your credit report updated to show that. If you have an account reported as closed and it s still open contact your credit card issuer to find out why.