90 Days Same As Cash Loans. Retailers may be eager to let customers take advantage of these loan offers even if the customers have a bad. I bought my living room set from mario s furniture and used acima s 90 day cash option so i wouldn t max out our credit card this month.
Consider the 90 days same as cash offer a grace period during which you don t have to pay for an item. 90 days 6 months 12 months. With a same as cash plan no interest is charged for a short term period.
Get approved for furniture mattresses tires and wheels from a merchant near you.
Get approved through snap finance for up to 3000 with bad credit or no credit. Best buy and home depot are notorious for this gimmick. What exactly does the same as cash part of this deal mean. The appeal of the 90 days same as cash gimmick is that it makes you feel like you are beating the system by getting a free loan for 90 days.